jessica 'jynnie' tang

crafting experiences that bring
people together
Wild Seasons
Wild Seasons
Coming soon to Steam
Roguelike, deck-gardener currently in development by my friend and myself. Being developed in Unity.
Magic Circle
Magic Circle
Coming soon to Discord
Party games in your pocket. Play bite-sized, all-ages fun for everyone.
Long Rest
Released Pre-Alpha in 2023
A mobile companion game for your TTRPG campaigns - forage, fish, and cook with your party (One More Multiverse)
One More Multiverse
Released & Free to Play in 2023
Build your world and play your campaign in this beautiful, customizable TTRPG platform and marketplace. Game designer & developer 2019 - 2023.
Flowers in a Long Grey Winter
Flowers in a Long Grey Winter
Demo Released in 2022
Hex-based grid deckbuilder with gardening themes. Solo developed in a month
Released in 2021 - Continually Updated
Collaborative tracker for Pokémon Soullocke (soul-linked Nuzlocke) runs
Released in 2021 - Tutorial in Development
Play variations of Chinese majiang or mahjong on the web with friends
Published in 2020
A playful, interactive spectating experiment, challenging if viewing as passive
A Garden Away
A Garden Away
Written in 2021
A whismical, collaborative, world-building game. Discover and make the world from the eyes of an alien critter
Last Voyage
Last Voyage
Released in 2022
Recover your memories as you grow crops and cook recipes in this mini web game
Released in 2022
An interactive Pokémon Typechart tool
Safety Tools
Safety Tools
Released in 2022
Quickly setup and share anonymous lines & veils for your ttrpg party
Playing Apart
Playing Apart
Written in 2020
Design experiment on fostering kindness between strangers playing together, by holding them further apart
Released in 2018
A collaborative text-based RPG platform. Made for my friends to craft stories together
1st Place in MIT 6.148 in 2018
Location-based collaborative pixel art mural. Create with your community
Compassionate Design
Compassionate Design
Presented at ReFiG in 2018
Paper on proactive moderation in Sky: Children of the Light and the role of compassionate design in fostering healthy game communities
Pencil on paper drawing
Daedalus' Labyrinth
Daedalus' Labyrinth
Created in 2018
Can you defeat the Minotaur in this 3-player collaborative board game?
Emergent Systems
Emergent Systems
Presented at BDiGRA in 2018
Paper on negotiated meaning through play. Examining how play communities bend games to the desired experience
HackMIT 2017
HackMIT 2017
Run in 2017
Designed futuristic branding for MIT's premier hackathon
Degrees of Success
Degrees of Success
Released in 2015
A choose your own adventure exploring college-debt after graduating